Sentence example with the word 'introspectively'


Last update: June 23, 2015


Any one introspectively apprehending the facts must grant, he thought, that benevolence was an integral part of human nature and that conscience was rightfully supreme.   [Please select]


He said introspectively: "So you think he's still got a grudge about that."   [Please select]


Some of the men had seen Katherine Challoner act, and they sighed, retrospectively and introspectively.   [Please select]


"I have been looking forward to doing something of that sort," said Queed, introspectively.   [Please select]


It is one of the demerits of the traditional theory of causality that it has created an artificial opposition between determinism and the freedom of which we are introspectively conscious.   [Please select]


"My only criticism on the character, or rather on the greatness, of Lee," said Queed, introspectively, "is that, so far as I have ever read, he never got angry."   [Please select]

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introspective - introspectively - introspectiveness