Sentence example with the word 'introvert'


ambivert, cycloid, ectomorph, extrovert, inverse, mesomorph, resupinate, rotate, schizothyme, transpose, turn down, turn out, turn the tables

Last update: February 13, 2017


He is an introvert who does not take part in any activities.   [Please select]


Because I am an introvert, I rarely go to parties.   [Please select]


Jane is an introvert whose only hobby is reading.   [Please select]


In the Ectoprocta they are retractile into an introvert, the "tentaclesheath" (fig.   [Please select]


In modern times, no such remarkable example of this introverted mind has occurred, as in Emanuel Swedenborg, born in Stockholm, in 1688.   [Please select]


Possibly Swedenborg paid the penalty of introverted faculties.   [Please select]


He paused with the look often seen when people are struggling, with introverted effort, to disentangle a thought which is either too high for quick discernment or too subtle for simple expression.   [Please select]


This is what his friends mean when they say that he is self-absorbed; and this is what the psychologists mean when they say that a neurotic is introverted.   [Please select]


His glance was more than usually visionary and introverted, his unacquisitive hands were behind his back; but can Mexico be governed by a well-disposed President from Chapultepec terrace.   [Please select]

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introversion - introvert - introverted