Sentence example with the word 'inveighing'


Last update: July 23, 2015


Shortly before returning to his regiment in the early weeks of 1791 he indited a letter inveighing in violent terms against Matteo Buttafuoco, deputy for the Corsican noblesse in the National Assembly of France, as having betrayed the cause of insular liberty in 1768 and as plotting against it again.   [Please select]


How many Roman knights, how many senators, have I not heard inveighing against Pompey, particularly on account of this unfortunate journey.   [Please select]


She poured out her story in an incoherent manner, inveighing against Grant as a thief.   [Please select]


On June 22 the Clyde, at Bothwell Bridge, separated the rebels--whose preachers were inveighing against each other--from Monmouth's army.   [Please select]


Guy lost no time in seeking his father, and laying the matter before him, inveighing against Hector with great bitterness.   [Please select]


It is a common thing to hear people inveighing against Latin names, etc.   [Please select]

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inveighed - inveighing - inveigle