Sentence example with the word 'iridescence'


Definition n. the visual property of something having a milky brightness and a play of colors from the surface

Last update: September 27, 2015


For the culture of the Roman period there is abundant evidence from Salamis and Paphos, and from tombs everywhere, for the glass vessels which almost wholly supersede pottery are much sought for their (quite accidental) iridescence; not much else is found that is either characteristic or noteworthy; and little attention has been paid to the sequence of style.   [noun]


Very much rarer iridescence is that of nacreous or mother-of-pearl clouds.   [noun]


Outside of this love for financial iridescence, let it be called, Mr.   [Please select]


The ice on the trees of Central Park was a diamond iridescence.   [Please select]


The transparent tissue of its wings was filled with a finer and more elusive iridescence.   [Please select]


Now that I look at you closely you seem all lighted up with an internal iridescence.   [Please select]


Black or brownish black with most of hind wings showing a bluish green iridescence.   [Please select]


In bright sunshine there is a distinct purplish red iridescence over practically the whole upper surface.   [Please select]


The posterior margin of the scutellum rounded; wings dark brown with a violet iridescence.   [Please select]


Thorax finely punctured, with the disk of the mesothorax impunctate; wings dark brown with a rich coppery iridescence.   [Please select]


The Crow set to work with a will, splashing on the colors generously, gold and green and bronze iridescence.   [Please select]

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