Sentence example with the word 'iridium'


Definition n. a heavy brittle metallic element of the platinum group

Last update: July 8, 2015


Iridium is a metal.   [Please select]


IRIDIUM (symbol Ir.; atomic weight 193.1), one of the metals of the platinum group, discovered in 1802 by Smithson Tennant during the examination of the residue left when platinum ores are dissolved in aqua regia; the element occurs in platinum ores in the form of alloys of platinum and iridium, and of osmium and iridium.   [Please select]


Platinum, iridium, and osmium are obtained with the gold in some of the placer mines, but are never found alone, nor are they ever the main object sought by the miner.   [Please select]


_--Platinum, iridium and osmium, three white metals of about the same specific gravity with gold, are found with the latter metal in the placers in the basin of the Klamath and Trinity Rivers.   [Please select]

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iridescently - iridium - irids