Sentence example with the word 'irresistibility'


Definition n. the quality of being overpowering and impossible to resist

Last update: October 25, 2015


Within Calvinism itself Pelagianism was revived in Arminianism, which denied the irresistibility, and affirmed the universality of grace.   [Please select]


And the more experienced they are in conquests, and the higher, on the basis of their own experience, they rate the irresistibility of their powers, the less of his particular sort of treatment they can stand.   [Please select]


She leaned her head on her hand and gave herself up to the great enchantment, feeling again his kisses upon lips and eyes and brow, and the thrilling irresistibility of his hold.   [Please select]

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irreproachably - irresistibility - irresistible