Sentence example with the word 'irresponsive'


Last update: September 21, 2015


The clumsy machinery of legislation kept bungling on, irresponsive to the principal needs and interests of the times.   [Please select]


For a while he was irresponsive, then slowly his eyes returned to her face.   [Please select]


Oh, grrrr-r, why can't you, you impious, unnatural, ill-mannered, irresponsive, irresponsible exasperating young nuisance, you.   [Please select]


The man, finding him irresponsive, retired; and, left to himself, Loder stared at the array of feminine trifles; then, turning abruptly, he moved to the centre of the room.   [Please select]


We should not love a human being much if we allowed ourselves habitually to {133} contemplate the logical possibility that the loved one was unworthy of, or irresponsive to, our affection.   [Please select]

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irresponsibly - irresponsive - irresponsiveness