Sentence example with the word 'irrevocability'


Last update: July 29, 2015


She lay on the sofa with her face to the wall, fingering the buttons of the leather cushion and seeing nothing but that cushion, and her confused thoughts were centered on one subject--the irrevocability of death and her own spiritual baseness, which she had not suspected, but which had shown itself during her father's illness.   [Please select]


The weight of the revealing hour of her life, its wonder, its agony, its irrevocability, was upon her.   [Please select]


She lay on the sofa with her face to the wall, fingering the buttons of the leather cushion and seeing nothing but that cushion, and her confused thoughts were centered on one subjectthe irrevocability of death and her own spiritual baseness, which she had not suspected, but which had shown itself during her father's illness.   [Please select]

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irreversible - irrevocability - irrevocable