Sentence example with the word 'iteration'


conduplication, critique, duplication, gemination, ingemination, recap, recountal, rehash, reiteration, reprint, resume, summary

Definition n. (computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated

Last update: June 23, 2015


It is of moment, then, to discover from his emphasis, whether by iteration or by fulness of scale, what objects he had in mind in writing.   [Please select]


The odor was as strange an accompaniment to dancing as was that furiously whirling primitive iteration of the fiddle.   [Please select]


The music broke out into its shaking, quavering iteration of the pulse of the dance.   [Please select]


John--convict me of damnable iteration if you must: Heaven has sent me a laughing hero--John laughed.   [Please select]


_" these words of an Italian hymn or litany recurred again and again, with endless iteration."   [Please select]


Until suddenly a piteous little wail rose from the half-stunned child to mingle with that ceaseless iteration of grief.   [Please select]


At first be chuckled softly, but at the final iteration of "Chain de Lion Down" burst into outright laughter.   [Please select]


The same words will repeat themselves as the same subject presents itself to his pen; but the impulse to iteration scarcely ever affects us as mechanical.   [Please select]


The associated press writers from Washington seem to be selected for their inability to be terse and pithy, and dribble out the simplest fact with pitiful iteration.   [Please select]

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iterating - iteration - iterations