Sentence example with the word 'itineraries'


Last update: October 13, 2015


There were ten cities serviced by Byrne, all on the eastern seaboard, and his itineraries were detailed on practically an hourĀ­ by-hour basis.   [Please select]


--Two volumes of road itineraries and notes.   [Please select]


Accounts, letters, recipes, name lists, itineraries; these were the earliest of written documents.   [Please select]


His predecessors had let the magnificently traced itineraries of the Romans languish and become covered with grass--if not actually timber-grown.   [Please select]


This is principally from the fact that they are usually, so far as foreign automobilists are concerned, included in more comprehensive itineraries.   [Please select]


Noyon is not down in the itineraries of many guide-book tourists, which is a pity for them.   [Please select]


--4,000 itineraries throughout France and 150 itineraries from Paris to foreign cities and towns.   [Please select]


Gives plans of towns and cities, detailed itineraries and hotel lists, etc.   [Please select]


It became a great place of pilgrimage, and the itineraries mention it as one of the leading stations on the Appian Way.   [Please select]


The scene had been one that of late had grown so familiar: Zora and Septimus poring over world itineraries, the latter full of ineffectual suggestion and irrelevant reminiscence, and Emmy reading by the fire.   [Please select]


It is a remarkable fact that the record of some of these events should be found, not in church annals, calendars, or itineraries, but in passages in the writings of pagan annalists and historians.   [Please select]

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itinerant - itineraries - itinerary