Sentence example with the word 'jellied'


adhesive, clammy, curdled, glairy, glutinous, gumlike, inspissate, lumpy, slimy, stringy, thickened, viscose

Definition adj. congealed into jelly

Last update: September 25, 2015


Well, before the worm has a chance to spin, it is put into vinegar and this jellied silk is extracted.   [Please select]


Bart dropped into a chair, and sat gazing absently at the fragment of jellied salmon which the butler had placed before him.   [Please select]


There's a big cake with candles and chicken pie and jellied cookies and all the like o' that.'   [Please select]


Spence was concentrating all of his attention upon a jellied egg.   [Please select]


Wilson brought some especially good things in the way of jellied chicken and one of the large cocoanut cakes for which the Embassy is famed.   [Please select]

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jelled - jellied - jellies