Sentence example with the word 'jockeying'


Last update: June 27, 2015


The jockeying crowd made it difficult for five-foot Cynthia Dean to catch more than a glimpse of the activity as bodies rolled and washed across the pavement and errant streams drenched the crowd.   [Please select]


Both sides were jockeying for position in the expected legal battle when the case should be taken up by the courts[1033].   [Please select]


No backing and filling, no jockeying for position, no elaborate setting of the stage.   [Please select]


There is just as much jockeying at a Kaskado coursing as at a Kaskado horse-race, just as many attempts at fraud, and it is just as necessary to have the judge and slipper beyond suspicion.   [Please select]


There is something of the spirit of professed whips in these wild races, for the young men delight in passing each other's sledge, and jockeying the hinder one by crossing the path.   [Please select]

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jockeyed - jockeying - jockeys