Sentence example with the word 'judiciary'


board, critical, curial, inquisition, judgmental, judicatorial, judicature, judicial process, juridic, jurisdictive, justice, the the courts

Definition n. persons who administer justice

Last update: July 5, 2015


We need a strong and effecient judiciary.   [Please select]


Other prominent structures are the U.S. government and the judiciary buildings, the latter connected with the capitol by a stone terrace, the city hall, the county court house, the union station, the board of trade, the soldiers' memorial hall (with a seating capacity of about 4500), and several office buildings.   [Please select]


The just thought of the people must control the judiciary, as it controls every other instrument of government.   [Please select]


Francis La Flesche, may be found in Judiciary square, Washington, District of Columbia.   [Please select]


The last of the organic acts of the session was the one establishing the judiciary.   [Please select]


Should such means fail, and should it appear that the judiciary authority was withstood, then at last military force might be employed.   [Please select]


The result was that Senator Edmunds held the nomination, without any action, in the Judiciary Committee for some three months.   [Please select]


In that development, so far as it has been made by the judiciary, one man was destined to play a pre-eminent part.   [Please select]


Instead of resigning power they were forced to exercise it on condition of thorough responsibility to the central judiciary.   [Please select]


When he laid down the presidency, we had an organized government, an established revenue, a funded debt, a high credit, an efficient system of banking, a strong judiciary, and an army.   [Please select]


The feebleness of the Articles of Confederation was, in a large measure, attributed to the want of a judiciary to hold states and individuals in obedience to the laws and treaties of the union.   [Please select]

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judiciaries - judiciary - judicious