Sentence example with the word 'justness'


Definition n. conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety

Last update: August 3, 2015


Then Deioces, son of Phraortes, an illustrious man of upright character, was chosen judge in his village, and the justness of his decisions induced the inhabitants of the other villages to throng to him.   [Please select]


All the company acknowledged the justness of the observation, and thanked Little Two-Shoes for her advice.   [Please select]


The offence of the Viceroy becomes greater when we remember that he admits the justness of the Muslim claim.   [Please select]


They demanded justness, fair play, and denounced red tape and official lies.   [Please select]


It seems as if of what he attempts he attains the type itself; everyone must recognize its justness.   [Please select]


Therefore forgive me, my father, and let me learn wisdom in the future from the justness of your rule.   [Please select]

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justly - justness - justs