Sentence example with the word 'jutting'


beetle, bold, excrescent, impendence, impending, outstanding, overhung, projecting, protrudent, protrusive, salient

Definition adj. extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary

Last update: July 20, 2015


Is built on a rocky peninsula jutting out to the east, near the mouth of the Rio Grande and at the foot of Mt Ancon (560 ft.).   [Please select]


It was precipitous on both sides, with dark jutting rocks, which in some places overhung its bed.   [Please select]


At the same moment McKay clutched her arm and jerked her violently behind a jutting elbow of Isla Rock.   [Please select]


Gray's lair, in a bushy hollow between two immense jutting cakes of granite, lay on the very brink of the chasm.   [Please select]


Here the gulf narrowed so that the cleft between the jutting crags was scarcely a hundred feet in width.   [Please select]


Since Avonlea occupied a little triangular peninsula jutting out into the Gulf of St.   [Please select]


At one side, jutting into the lake, is a knoll with a group of trees sheltering a stag and doe.   [Please select]


The jutting group of birch-trees was well chosen, and she had drawn them admirably.   [Please select]


They appeared even higher on this side; and in some places hung over, with dark jutting rocks, and large trees growing horizontally outward.   [Please select]


At a distance he saw a very high bluff of rocks jutting out into a lake, and he ran for the foot of the precipice which was abrupt and elevated.   [Please select]

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jutted - jutting - jutty