Sentence example with the word 'kingbirds'


Last update: July 12, 2015


Robins, bluebirds, warblers, chickadees, finches, vireos, wrens, yellow-headed blackbirds, nutcrackers, nuthatches, meadow-larks, sparrows, woodpeckers, swifts, kingbirds and several other species of small birds are found in the park, but the number of each is not great.   [Please select]


The farmer could have no better protection for his corn fields than the near-by nest of a pair of kingbirds.   [Please select]


He was once severely handled by a sparrowhawk, and often he was chased and worried by kingbirds.   [Please select]


The crow scurried away with upturned, threatening head, the furious kingbirds fairly upon his back.   [Please select]


Most of these were kingbirds' and Arkansas flycatchers' nests, but there were others as well.   [Please select]


For several days it seemed uncertain whether the kingbirds would ever really occupy the nest, so spasmodic was the work upon it.   [Please select]


This time both kingbirds flung themselves after her, and she left, "laughing" as she went.   [Please select]


Close before me was a beautiful hawthorn-tree, in which a pair of kingbirds had long ago built their nest.   [Please select]


Hence at both places the following species were found: Lazuli buntings, Arkansas goldfinches, American goldfinches, western wood-pewees, Arkansas kingbirds, Bullock's orioles, grassfinches, and catbirds.   [Please select]


With the first cool days of autumn the bluebirds collect in flocks, often associating with orioles and kingbirds in sheltered, sunny places where insects are still plentiful.   [Please select]

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kingbird - kingbirds - kingcraft