Sentence example with the word 'knapsacks'


Last update: June 18, 2015


On all sides soldiers were running to and fro, throwing up their knapsacks with a jerk of their shoulders and pulling the straps over their heads, unstrapping their overcoats and drawing the sleeves on with upraised arms.   [Please select]


The order was given to halt and down knapsacks.   [Please select]


"You boys have food in your knapsacks, taken from the Union camps, which we held for a few short and glorious hours."   [Please select]


Paul was amused at the stuffy appearance of those same knapsacks.   [Please select]


A rest of an hour was taken, during which time the scouts lightened their bulging knapsacks considerably.   [Please select]


They took off all their clothing and fastened it and the arms, ammunition and knapsacks of food on the tree.   [Please select]


CHAPTER V TAYOGA'S SKILL They still had food left in their knapsacks, and they ate a portion, drinking afterward from the creek.'   [Please select]


The men unbuckled their knapsacks and filled them with those precious things.   [Please select]


The arms were piled down the centre of the road, and many of the men had already wrapped themselves in their blankets and lain down to sleep with their heads on their knapsacks.   [Please select]


The men piled their arms, dropped their knapsacks, and not being free to go out, waited, buried side by side in shadow.   [Please select]

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knapsacked - knapsacks - knave