Sentence example with the word 'lacerating'


Last update: January 6, 2016


She conceived herself to be specially favoured by Christ, who appeared to her in the most extravagant forms. At last, by dint of fasting and lacerating her flesh, she succeeded in reducing herself to such a state of ecstatic suffering that she believed herself to be undergoing in her own person the Passion of the Lord.   [Please select]


There was no other person in the world to whom she could thus have revealed that inner agony, that lacerating shame.   [Please select]


The lion stretched out his claws, and fastened them in the man's shoulder, lacerating it fearfully before he could be released.   [Please select]


I was on the eve of revolting, but I remembered what there was lacerating his poor breast, and consented.   [Please select]


But I could afford no words for her, so cruelly was misery lacerating me.   [Please select]


Cases have been known of their attacking infants in the cradle, and severely lacerating them.   [Please select]


A quick, lacerating unhappiness when he thought of his mother, and of the garden on the Heath, and the high ridge of the Spaniards' Road, and London below it, immense and beautiful.   [Please select]

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lacerates - lacerating - laceration