Sentence example with the word 'laminated'


filmy, foliated, lamellar, lamellated, laminate, leaflike, membranous, spathic, stratified, three-ply

Last update: August 23, 2015


Graphite, nearly pure carbon, is characteristic of " gray cast iron," in which it exists as a nearly continuous skeleton of very thin laminated plates or flakes (fig.   [Please select]


--Laminated work--the building up of circular rims for cabinet and joinery work.   [Please select]


The front of the mold was the only portion calling for particular work, and this was made of boards laminated together.   [Please select]


If it were examined microscopically, it would show itself to be a more or less distinctly laminated mineral substance, and nothing more.   [Please select]


This substance is of a laminated structure; so much so, that in carving it the different folds are often cut in such a way as to form a regular net-work upon the surface.   [Please select]


This white sediment consists of minute grains of starch, each of which, examined with the microscope, will be found to have a concentrically laminated structure.   [Please select]

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laminate - laminated - laminating