Sentence example with the word 'laudably'


Definition adv. in an admirable manner

Last update: June 8, 2015


In the evolution of these laws Dr Cornay had most laudably studied, as his observations prove, a vast number of different types, and the upshot of his whole labours, though not very clearly stated, was such as to wholly subvert the classification at that time generally adopted by French ornithologists.   [Please select]


He is laudably anxious to have as many victims and as much plunder as possible.   [Please select]


It is true that he was flagrantly in the wrong, his victim as laudably in the right.   [Please select]


When a man of merit, of a beneficent disposition, restores a great fortune to a miser, or a seditious bigot, he has acted justly and laudably, but the public is a real sufferer.   [Please select]


But what I do, this praise may claim-- My master's service is my aim, And laudably I use for him My warmth of blood and strength of limb.   [Please select]

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laudable - laudably - laudanum