Sentence example with the word 'lauded'


august, elevated, exalted, glorious, heroic, lofty, magnificent, noble, renowned, sublime, towering

Last update: September 24, 2015


Shown with unusual lucidity of expression how feeble is the spontaneity of that intellect which is so highly lauded, and how overpowering the sway of original will in all our action.   [Please select]


I mentioned my reason for desiring to avoid observation in the village, and he lauded it to the skies.   [Please select]


If to have an object in life is praiseworthy, I am much to be lauded.   [Please select]


We are only just discovering that the much-lauded technical education will not make him an engineer or a shipbuilder or an architect.   [Please select]


He obtained for Quinnox the royal pardon and lauded him to the skies.   [Please select]


No form of civilization, however brilliant and lauded, could arrest decay and ruin when public and private virtue had fled.   [Please select]

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laudatory - lauded - lauder