Sentence example with the word 'laundryman'


Definition n. operates industrial washing machine

Last update: October 23, 2015


In the Glasgow case the wife of a laundryman employed in handling plague linen contracted the disease.   [Please select]


"Thishere laundryman," said Genesis, resuming--"thishere laundryman what own the dog, I reckon he mus' hopped on 'at street-car what went by."'   [Please select]


So Bert had to shuffle along just like a Chinese laundryman who wears those funny straw slippers without any heels.   [Please select]


The laundryman replies: "Well, just as soon as the machinery starts again, you may have them."   [Please select]


The Chinaman is equally good as a laundryman, and in some cities the Chinese colonists do the whole of the laundry-work.   [Please select]


If a laundryman calls at your house, you are in danger of sickness, or of losing something very valuable.   [Please select]


If she chose to assume, with quick feminine intuition, that the dog was William's and that William was a laundryman, it was not Genesis's place to enlighten her.   [Please select]

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laundry - laundryman - laura