Sentence example with the word 'lecherous'


animal, clitoromaniacal, depraved, erotic, goatish, hot, lewd, lickerish, nymphomaniacal, prurient, sensual

Definition adj. given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity

Last update: July 4, 2015


STEPHEN: Lecherous lynx, to la belle dame sans merci, Georgina Johnson, ad deam qui laetificat iuventutem meam.   [Please select]


You set your lecherous eye on her from the first and determined to poison her mind and take her from me.   [Please select]


"Lecherous and treacherous" as he was, he was humorous and good-humoured.   [Please select]


I endeavoured to make him believe that she was absolutely innocent, that you had only been an insufferably insolent, presumptuous, and lecherous cad--which is true.   [Please select]


Every saloon was packed, and every dive and room filled with a hoarse, violent mob of furious men: furious with mirth, furious with drink, furious with wildness--insane and lecherous, spilling gold and blood.   [Please select]

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lecher - lecherous - lechers