Sentence example with the word 'leprosy'


acne, brucellosis, diphtheria, frambesia, infantile paralysis, loaiasis, osteomyelitis, psittacosis, schistosomiasis, thrush, venereal disease

Definition n. chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions

Last update: June 18, 2015


Leprosy is curable.   [Please select]


There is little leprosy in the peninsula, but there is a leper hospital near Penang on Pula Deraja and another on an island on the west coast for the reception of lepers from the Federated Malay States.   [Please select]


"Then Amis was cleansed of his leprosy."   [Please select]


Our faces assume congealed and fixed grimaces under the wan leprosy of dust.   [Please select]


But, behold, through this very thing have I been healed of my leprosy.   [Please select]


Green, “were fiercest in the greater towns, where filthy and undrained streets afforded a constant haunt to leprosy and fever.   [Please select]


His leprosy alone would prevent their laying hands upon him, while his reputation as a witch-doctor rendered him doubly immune from attack.   [Please select]


Constantine's valour in wars in, 64; philosophers from, with remedies for Constantine's leprosy, 65 ELECTRA.   [Please select]


Freedom of worship and the public school have a curative and humanizing influence which not even the leprosy bred of centuries of European despotism and oppression can resist.   [Please select]


And the King was told what the maid had said, and he sent a letter to the King of Israel commanding him to cure Naaman of his leprosy.   [Please select]

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leporine - leprosy - leprous