Sentence example with the word 'lettered'


abecedarian, capital, deep, erudite, learned, literate, majuscule, pictographic, profound, transliterated, well-informed

Definition adj. highly educated

Last update: June 19, 2015


VII, Usually considered to be the tergum of the genital somite, but suggested by Pocock to be that of the other [According to the system of numbering explained in the text, if VII is the tergum of the praegenital somite (as is probable) it should be labelled Prg without any number, and the somites VIII to XIII should be lettered 1 to 6, indicating that they are the six normal somites of the mesosoma; whilst XV to XVIII should be replaced by the numbers 7 to 12 - an additional suppressed segment (making up the typical six) being reckoned to the metasomatic fusion.] (From Lankester, Q.   [Please select]


The ladders were located upon the same sheet, and were consecutively lettered and described in the notebook.   [Please select]


[14] The literati, or lettered class, were the aristocracy in what was the most democratic of absolute monarchies.   [Please select]


The private car was lettered in gold on the central panel, "Algonquin."   [Please select]


Esther here returned, bringing a number of rolls carefully enveloped in dark-brown linen lettered quaintly in gold.   [Please select]


Over the door of one of the smaller stores, Rand saw a black-lettered white sign: _Antiques_.   [Please select]


_One handsome square 16mo volume, bound in cloth, black and gilt lettered.   [Please select]

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lethargy - lettered - leviathan