Sentence example with the word 'levities'


Last update: September 21, 2015


He was the foe of all levities, all frivolities, all insidious pleasures.   [Please select]


The aunt-like lady with the noble nose stood out amidst these levities in a black silk costume with a gold chain.   [Please select]


_) gives other instances of the levities, vulgarities, disregards, inattentions, and inadequacies of these meetings.   [Please select]


I look upon those years at Craigenputtock as the brightest and healthiest of his life, removed as he was from the sight of levities and follies which tormented his soul and irritated his temper.   [Please select]


In Germany the vices were mediaeval and monkish, not the unblushing infidelity and levities of the Renaissance, which made a radical reformation in Italy impossible.   [Please select]

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levitation - levities - levity