Sentence example with the word 'litigants'


Last update: August 18, 2015


Constantine decreed that judgment in causes might be passed by bishops when litigants preferred their adjudication to that of the secular courts (see his epistle to the Numidian bishops and Cod.   [Please select]


In this house sits the king in judgment, beckoning the litigants forward.   [Please select]


All the benches were crowded with spectators, prisoners, witnesses, and litigants.   [Please select]


But if the litigants lived at a considerable distance from Babylon, he gave directions to his local officials on the spot to try the case.   [Please select]


Demosthenes, like other orators, first became known as the composer of speeches for litigants; but his fame was based on the orations he pronounced in great political emergencies.   [Please select]

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litigant - litigants - litigate