Sentence example with the word 'loincloth'


Definition n. a garment that provides covering for the loins

Last update: June 19, 2015


He has a simple life style and wears only a loincloth.   [Please select]


Instantly a tall blackamoor advanced from the throng and cast off his flowing robe, showing a strong figure clad only in a silver loincloth.   [Please select]


He scrambled up by the stones, water glistening on his pate and on its garland of grey hair, water rilling over his chest and paunch and spilling jets out of his black sagging loincloth.   [Please select]


Clothed in a necklace of false pearls and a brilliantly scarlet loincloth, she was truly a barbaric figure, yet in her eye I beheld that instant preoccupation with household matters that greets the unexpected guest the world over.   [Please select]


The day of the rocky plain and the prophet in a loincloth was gone; but was there less might in the printed word and the penny newspaper.   [Please select]


In a quiet spot, behind one of these, he threw off his upper garments and stood in the ordinary undress of a Hindoo peasant, having nothing on but a scanty loincloth.   [Please select]

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logwood - loincloth - loincloths