Sentence example with the word 'lopping'


Last update: June 12, 2015


The trainee months ago made a horrible mistake by choosing to target Ingrid, and Xander didn't think twice about lopping off his head.   [Please select]


Even the elongation and lopping of the ears have influenced in a small degree the form of the whole skull.   [Please select]


* * * * * One evening, towards dinner-time he turned up in khaki, the moustache stiff on his long upper lip, his lopping hair clipped.   [Please select]


This could be clearly seen in "half-lops"--that is, in rabbits with only one ear lopping forward-- for the opposite sides of their skulls were not strictly symmetrical.   [Please select]


He went on in this way for the five mornings, always conquering by the aid of his vine, and lopping off the heads of the vanquished giants.   [Please select]

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loppered - lopping - lopsided