Sentence example with the word 'lucidity'


admission of light, comeliness, discrimination, flow, insight, mental health, plain style, sanemindedness, sound mind, transparence, vitrescence

Definition n. free from obscurity and easy to understand

Last update: September 21, 2015


Lodge, 1894 and 1899) and a Latin Series for use in secondary schools (1875), both marked by lucidity of order and mastery of grammatical theory and methods.   [Please select]


Sypher clapped him on the shoulder and extolled him as a miracle of lucidity.   [Please select]


"I was saying that a person's age is different according to circumstances," he explained, with dignity, if not lucidity.   [Please select]


Later, when the tray was gone and she was alone again, she relapsed into thoughts which had gained unwonted lucidity and vigor.   [Please select]


Realization, like the need for action, came to him slowly, but when it came it was with terrible lucidity.   [Please select]


In this famous examination he won respect for the lucidity of his statements and his conciliatory address.   [Please select]


He gained his points by frank, straightforward lucidity of statement, and marvellous astuteness, combined with an imperturbable command of his temper.   [Please select]

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lucid - lucidity - lucidly