Sentence example with the word 'lucubrations'


Last update: July 20, 2015


But no substantial philosophy of any kind emerged from humanism; the political lucubrations of the scholars were, like their ethical treatises, for the most part rhetorical.   [Please select]


You have read my work, sir, and you know the gist of my tedious and scholastic lucubrations.   [Please select]


Simply the lucubrations of a man of letters, the moral wisdom of the moralist, the historian, the biographer, the essayist.   [Please select]


I should be reduced to the gloomy lucubrations of a Schopenhauer if I once let myself begin on parasitism.   [Please select]


I am quite content to know that I do not know, which at least spares me many vain lucubrations.   [Please select]


Bürger and Vosmaer, by the lucubrations of other meritorious bookworms, by the studies of Messrs.   [Please select]


As the public were thus likely to be deprived of the benefit arising from his lucubrations by the selfish cowardice of the trade, Mr.   [Please select]

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lucubration - lucubrations - ludicrous