Sentence example with the word 'lulling'


abatement, appeasement, damping, drowsy, falling-off, letup, mollifying, quieting, restful, soothing

Last update: July 13, 2015


It raced through her body, lulling her into a strange trance of heightened senses while he drank.   [Please select]


"It must be the fault of those mattresses; they are delightful, but really too lulling; see, the children are sound asleep still."   [Please select]


An unmistakable drowsiness was stealing over her, a merciful lethargy lulling the sensibilities that had been so acutely tried.   [Please select]


He is thinking aloud, lulling himself with happy anticipations, already alone with his private festival in the midst of us.   [Please select]


We say it over again, softly, lulling ourselves with it as with an old song.   [Please select]


Then ensued a moment's breathless hush, even the cries of those in agony lulling.   [Please select]


There are the beauty and color--the wild, shaggy slopes--the gray cliffs--the singing wind--the lulling water--the clouds--the sky.   [Please select]


The music raised up the heart and it was wonderfully lulling, too.   [Please select]


Mouraki, I said to myself, thought that he was allaying my suspicions and lulling my watchfulness to sleep by the courtesy with which he arranged an interview between Phroso and myself.   [Please select]


Such a power of tenderness went out from her, so soft was the breast, so lulling the scent of the roses pinned into the lady's belt, that the child was stilled.   [Please select]

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lulled - lulling - lulls