Sentence example with the word 'lumbar'


Definition adj. of or relating to or near the part of the back between the ribs and the hipbones

Last update: November 1, 2015


_Tomodactylus saxatilis_, having lumbar glands, also resembles three species referred to the genus _Syrrhophus_.   [Please select]


_Tomodactylus saxatilis_ differs from all other named species of _Syrrhophus_ in having conspicuous lumbar glands and in lacking inguinal glands.   [Please select]


Cervical 7 Dorsal 11 Lumbar 13 Caudal 17 -- Total 48 The specimen was that of a young animal, and of the same species, I believe, as the one described by Mr.   [Please select]


There are, so to speak, no lumbar vertebræ, the bones of that region, which cannot be differentiated from the sacrum, having coalesced with the bones of the pelvis.   [Please select]

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lumbago - lumbar - lumber