Sentence example with the word 'luncheons'


Last update: June 13, 2015


It was nothing but excitement from first to last--drives, luncheons, receptions, and all that they involve when you have an eager, tireless child like Helen on your hands.   [Please select]


They had been pleasant little luncheons--so pleasant that he almost regretted the fact that she was an American.   [Please select]


We will give breakfasts, luncheons, teas, and dinners to one another; and meanwhile I shall have learned all the housewifely arts.   [Please select]


It was the noon-hour, and the least-considered grades of the City's slaves were in the streets on the quest for cheap luncheons.   [Please select]


There were no more trips together--no more fortuitous luncheons or formal dinners as a group.   [Please select]


There he had merely been a good-natured, harmless person of entertaining conversation, who helped to make luncheons agreeable.   [Please select]


Richard had for years been too busy for mere entertaining, and the dinner parties and luncheons to the new Mrs.   [Please select]


The meal itself was the simplest of summer luncheons, but the silver and china and glass were such as he had never seen before.   [Please select]


We might make it a picnic, bring our luncheons, and work all together; let every woman in the congregation come and scrub her own pew.   [Please select]

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luncheon - luncheons - lunchers