Sentence example with the word 'macrocosm'


all, all creation, cosmos, created universe, everything that is, macrocosmos, metagalaxy, omneity, pulsating universe, steady-state universe, system, totality of being, whole wide world, world

Definition n. everything that exists anywhere

Last update: October 12, 2015


According to scientists, there are millions of planets in the macrocosm referred to as the universe.   [Please select]


What lived in time belonged to eternity; the microcosm was the epitome of the macrocosm; the reason which reigned in man interpreted the law that was revealed in conscience and the power which governed human destiny, while the freedom which man realized was the direct negation both of necessity and of the operation of any fortuitous cause in the cosmos.   [Please select]


All are in cosmic interdependency as they are in the macrocosm.   [Please select]


[This circle is ``the spiritual man'' and relates in substance to the spiritual soul of the macrocosm or universe.   [Please select]


The more these are cultivated by drawing from their parental affinities in the macrocosm, the more knowledge or power they take on.   [Please select]


The macrocosm is mirrored and coloured in a mental and moral microcosm.   [Please select]


[332] And in the macrocosm, the visible and invisible world about us, the same conception holds: "The existence of God is an eternally perfect entelechy, a life everlasting."   [Please select]


The world is a living whole, which, like man, the microcosm, in whom the whole content of the macrocosm is concentrated as in an extract, runs its life course.   [Please select]

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