Sentence example with the word 'magically'


abundantly, astonishingly, eminently, extraordinarily, glaringly, magnanimously, nobly, pointedly, pronouncedly, singularly, surpassingly, wonderfully

Definition adv. in a magical manner

Last update: October 13, 2015


Fatum, fate, destiny), the common term for a supposed race of supernatural beings who magically intermeddle in human affairs.   [Please select]


It became lighted up magically.   [Please select]


Magically life straightened itself out smooth, and left off being difficult.   [Please select]


Never before had he stood on an open hilltop and watched the light spread magically over a wide, wild landscape.   [Please select]


When Effie said these words, Lawson gave her a startled glance, and George's sulkiness seemed to vanish magically.   [Please select]


And, when all had passed through the ranks of the girl army, the army itself magically disappeared from view.   [Please select]


The city suddenly became full of churches, as though they had magically been let down from heaven during Saturday night.   [Please select]


When he moved his jaws his whole countenance lengthened magically, as if made of some substance more elastic than flesh.   [Please select]


It blazed through his very veins, he felt it thrill him magically.   [Please select]


The snowstorm poured incessantly out of the darkness to become flakes of burning fire in the light of the flames, flakes that vanished magically, but it only reached them and wetted them in occasional gusts.   [Please select]

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magical - magically - magician