Sentence example with the word 'magicked'


Last update: July 10, 2015


How could they feel as cold as that, without being wet, as though they were magicked.   [Please select]


I actually have a half guilty feeling, as if I really had 'magicked' it up.   [Please select]


He was in view, as a matter of fact, several times during the next few minutes, climbing quietly; but the dark blotches of the leaf-shadows magicked him into invisibility, and no one could tell where he was, till suddenly the silence was smitten by one piercing squawk somewhere among the greenery above.   [Please select]


Of course if he had chosen to turn his ring on his finger and call up the Djinns and the Afrits they would have magicked all those nine hundred and ninety-nine quarrelsome wives into white mules of the desert or greyhounds or pomegranate seeds; but Suleiman-bin-Daoud thought that that would be showing off.   [Please select]

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magicians - magicked - magics