Sentence example with the word 'malevolence'


abhorrence, bad will, collision, dislike, hate, inaccuracy, maliciousness, odium, spite, unskillfulness

Definition n. wishing evil to others

Last update: August 23, 2015


Differing as they did in politics, Gibbon's testimony to the genius and character of the great statesman is highly honourable to both: " Perhaps no human being," he says, " was ever more perfectly exempt from the taint of malevolence, vanity, or falsehood."   [Please select]


On envy and malevolence he says: "For men's minds will either feed upon their own good or upon others' evil;."   [Please select]


His face went white and for a moment he feared the malevolence that stared at him from all sides.   [Please select]


And Grannie, immutable in her aged wisdom and malevolence, pushed out her lower lip at them.   [Please select]


As he spoke these words, his urbane smile changed to a grin of impish malevolence.   [Please select]


And I caught the eyes of Trampas fixed upon the Virginian with exultant malevolence.   [Please select]


With the destruction of the old stub the thunder and lightning seemed to have vented their malevolence.   [Please select]


After his usual fashion, he mistook his malevolence for virtue, nursed it, as preachers tell us we ought to nurse our good dispositions, and paraded it, on all occasions, with Pharisaical ostentation.   [Please select]


The Serbs in Serbia were the only ones who could claim to be free, but even this was a freedom entirely dependent on the economic malevolence of Austria-Hungary and Turkey.   [Please select]

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