Sentence example with the word 'malignance'


Definition n. (medicine) a malignant state

Last update: July 22, 2015


"But, perhaps, there is no God at all," Raskolnikov answered with a sort of malignance, laughed and looked at her.   [Please select]


There is, of course, in much of this something of the malignance of party.   [Please select]


But nothing in mythology gives a suggestion of the fascination of this awful force, presenting the sublime beauty above, but in its descent filled with the mysterious malignance of God's underworld.   [Please select]


The filmy eyes, the smile that would have been mocking had it not been so very faint, the pallor, the malignance,--I stared and stared, and my heart grew cold and sick.   [Please select]

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malign - malignance - malignancy