Sentence example with the word 'manic'


abnormal, bursting, demented, exhilarated, insane, mazed, not all there, reasonless, stirred, turned-on, witless

Definition adj. affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason

Last update: July 25, 2015


For those reasons the game can be called an arcade adventure, on a par with Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner.   [noun]


The editorial comment within the aforementioned august organ has never been rabid or manic in any way whatsover (?   [adjective]


"It's complicated," she responded, mind on the manic commander and his equally unreasonable decisions.   [Please select]


In this respect they resemble strongly the records obtained from some cases of manic-depressive insanity.   [Please select]


Circular insanity of over twenty years' standing; at time of test patient was in a manic phase.   [Please select]


There can be no doubt that at least some of these cases are clinically perfectly typical ones of manic-depressive insanity, yet the test records strongly resemble, in some respects, those of dementia præcox.   [Please select]


This similarity is of interest in connection with other evidence, recently brought to light, [1] showing that involutional melancholia is closely related to manic-depressive insanity, if not identical with it.   [Please select]

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manias - manic - manicure