Sentence example with the word 'manifests'


Last update: July 30, 2015


When such a system is worked out in full detail, it essays or ought to essay a proof of the following points: (I) God or the Absolute necessarily exists; (2) He necessarily is what He is; (3) He or it necessarily manifests itself in the finite, (4) and necessarily manifests itself in just this finite which we know from experience.   [Please select]


Marigold is a very fine fellow, but occasionally he manifests human frailties that are truly abominable.   [Please select]


This phenomenon manifests itself at the moment when the sun re-appears.   [Please select]


Possibly, however, the San Gabriel series manifests only local variation in the race _pallidus_.   [Please select]


So I got his ship's papers, and the manifests of cargo, and undertook to see to the trans-shipment.   [Please select]


For a cur less than his own size he manifests little fear, especially if the two meet alone, remote from the house.   [Please select]


He believed vaguely in a Power, which, with designs as to human destinies, manifests its intentions by fitful gleams, vouchsafed somewhat erratically.   [Please select]


Twenty minutes were spent on the clearances and manifests, and then Mr.   [Please select]


To see surgical instruments in a dream, foretells dissatisfaction will be felt by you at the indiscreet manner a friend manifests toward you.   [Please select]


RHYTHMIC CHANGE There is in nature a universal tendency toward refinement and compactness of form in space, or contrariwise, toward increment and diffusion; and this manifests itself in time as acceleration or retardation.   [Please select]

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manifestos - manifests - manifold