Sentence example with the word 'manured'


Last update: October 21, 2015


B, Antenna of male; c, antenna swollen tail-ends black with the contained food-material, are often dug up in numbers in well-manured fields.   [Please select]


They do say as too much learning flies to the 'ead, the same as spirits to them as ain't manured to 'em.   [Please select]


Until our fields are better manured, it may be impossible for a new variety of wheat to yield a heavier crop.   [Please select]


I do not allude to plants which run to leaves, from being kept too damp, or too warm, or too much manured; for these do not flower, and the case may be wholly different.   [Please select]


It is surprising, as I have often seen, how vigorously our common wild species flourish when planted by themselves, though not in highly manured land; separate growth is, in fact, the first step in cultivation.   [Please select]

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manure - manured - manures