Sentence example with the word 'mariposa'


Definition n. any of several plants of the genus Calochortus having tulip-shaped flowers with 3 sepals and 3 petals

Last update: July 4, 2015


Thus, the Lent lily is Narcissus Pseudonarcissus; the African lily is Agapanthus umbellatus; the Belladonna lily is Amaryllis Belladonna (q.v.); the Jacobaea lily is Sprekelia formosissima; the Mariposa lily is Calochortus; the lily of the Incas is Alstroemeria pelegrina; St Bernard's lily is Anthericum Liliago; St Bruno's lily is Anthericum (or Paradisia) Liliastrum; the water lily is Nymphaea alba; the Arum lily is Richardia africana; and there are many others.   [Please select]


We have just passed the broad Rio Mariposa (Butterfly River), and are at a place called "Obispo."   [Please select]


Since we passed the heavy-flowing Rio Mariposa I have been having more than a touch of "world-pain."   [Please select]


Eileen rayed loveliness like a Mariposa lily, and purred in utter contentment like a deftly stroked kitten.   [Please select]


E Hacienda La Mariposa on March 30, 1952, and Baker observed it 8 mi.   [Please select]


In a week after her arrival, Marian had learned all that anybody in Mariposa knew regarding "Jim."   [Please select]


_--The most productive quartz-mill in the state is the Benton mill, on Fremont's Ranch, in Mariposa county.   [Please select]

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