Sentence example with the word 'meerschaum'


accommodate, briar, clay, corncob, give way, intercede, make a deal, meet halfway, pipe, referee, strike a balance, tobacco pouch

Definition n. a white clayey mineral

Last update: August 5, 2015


The chief industry of Lemgo is the manufacture of meerschaum pipes, which has attained here a high pitch of excellence; other industries are weaving, brewing and the manufacture of leather and cigars.   [Please select]


Looking sternly at the two, he asked, in a threatening voice: "Which of you put dat powder in mine meerschaum, eh."   [Please select]


"Dat meerschaum can't be fixed," he soliloquized, taking the bare stem out of his mouth and looking sorrowfully at it.   [Please select]


He handed me a small sketch-book, and, while I turned over the leaves, busied himself in filling a short meerschaum.   [Please select]


After supper, the hermit, stretching himself on his blanket, filled an enormous meerschaum, and began to smoke.   [Please select]


Having uttered this truism, the hermit resumed his meerschaum and continued to gaze thoughtfully at the embers of the fire.   [Please select]


"Now I think of it, I haven't seen the old meerschaum since he came home."   [Please select]

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meerkat - meerschaum - meet