Sentence example with the word 'meteorologists'


Last update: July 23, 2015


In wintertime, the cyclonic and anticyclonic areas are of increased frequency and intensity; and it is partly for this reason that many meteorologists have been disposed to regard them as chiefly driven by the irregular flow of the westerly winds, rather than as due to convectional instability, which should have a maximum effect in summer.   [Please select]


Long experience had demonstrated to the meteorologists of the 1840's that the principal obstacle to the success of self-registering instruments was friction.   [Please select]


Having accepted self-registration, meteorologists turned their attention to the simplification of instruments.   [Please select]


The scientific members of the party are to include an astronomer, one or more meteorologists, and two or more naturalists.   [Please select]


The only scientific men who, as a class, are characterised by humility are the meteorologists.   [Please select]


Such, also, is the opinion of De Saussure, Scoresby, and other meteorologists.   [Please select]


It is well known to meteorologists that the wind vanes as ordinarily placed near the surface do not give a true indication of the wind.   [Please select]

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meteorologist - meteorologists - meteorology