Sentence example with the word 'miasms'


Last update: July 22, 2015


On the one hand, miasms; on the other, an ineffable perfume.   [Please select]


Out of the earth came what seemed to me the psychic miasms of nameless but potent and persistent races.   [Please select]


Messala, Gratus, Rome, and all the bitter, passionate memories connected with them, were as dead plagues--miasms of the earth above which he floated, far and safe, listening to singing stars.   [Please select]


The developed miasms hang suspended in the air; we may, perhaps, one day destroy them, if not in the outer atmosphere, at least in the stalls and sheds where the animals inhale and absorb them.   [Please select]

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miasmically - miasms - miauls