Sentence example with the word 'mimer'


actor, character actor, copyist, dramatizer, forger, impostor, mocker, parrot, polly-parrot, stage performer, thespian

Definition n. an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression

Last update: July 3, 2015


Its three roots go down into the three great realms - (I) of death, where, in the well Hvergelmer, the dragon Nidhug (Niandggr) and his brood are ever gnawing it; (2) of the giants, where, in the fountain of Mimer, is the source of wisdom; (3) of the gods, Asgard, where, at the sacred fountain of Urd, is the divine tribunal, and the dwelling of the Fates.   [Please select]


Mimer was a dwarf, belonging to a strange race of little folk called Nibelungs.   [Please select]


Mimer was busy at his forge sharpening a sword when Siegfried reached the doorway.   [Please select]


Prince though he was, Mimer would see if he could not get rid of his tormentor.   [Please select]


Into the dusky glow of the smithy plunged the hero, and swiftly he slew the traitor Mimer.   [Please select]


So he resolved to win a draught from Mimer's well, if in any way that could be done.   [Please select]


"Good-day, Mimer," said Odin, entering; "I have come for a drink from your well."   [Please select]


Very unwillingly Mimer filled the horn from the fountain of wisdom and handed it to Odin.   [Please select]


"Give me a draught of this clear water, O Mimer," said Odin, when he had reached the well, and was looking down into its clear, fathomless depths.   [Please select]


Then in the presence of the heroes, with the Valkyries and Mimer's head for witnesses, the stranger and the Æsir gave solemn promise that the bargain should be kept.   [Please select]

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