Sentence example with the word 'mindless'


a stranger to, bored, distant, ill-contrived, infuriate, myopic, pin-brained, stray, unconsidered, unobliging, wild

Definition adj. lacking the thinking capacity characteristic of a conscious being

Last update: September 18, 2015


She is a mindless fool.   [Please select]


We learn in them how Caliban (democracy), the mindless brute, educated to his own responsibility, makes after all an adequate ruler; how Prospero (the aristocratic principle, or, if we will, the mind) accepts his dethronement for the sake of greater liberty in the intellectual world, since Caliban proves an effective policeman, and leaves his superiors a free hand in the laboratory; how Ariel (the religious principle) acquires a firmer hold on life, and no longer gives up the ghost at the faintest hint of change.   [Please select]


Clara was honest and quiet; but heavy, mindless, and unimpressible: not one whit to my taste.   [Please select]


She shook her head sorrowfully: "A mindless man becomes a demon, I suppose."   [Please select]


"That has some consolations," I replied, "since the mindless do not suffer."   [Please select]


This knowledge, she declared, had come to her while she was officiating in an apparently mindless condition as the priestess of the Kendah god called the Ivory Child.   [Please select]


These disposing causes became inexorable fate, when, by the turn of the political wheel of fortune, he found himself alone amid the mindless dissipation and reckless materialism of the Restoration.   [Please select]

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minding - mindless - mindlessly