Sentence example with the word 'minima'


Last update: August 26, 2015


In most cases two distinct maxima and minima occur in the 24 hours.   [Please select]


The maxima and minima of violet light must therefore fall nearer to the centre than the maxima and minima of red light.   [Please select]


The maxima and minima of the other colours fall between these extremes.   [Please select]


] Toleration of Thermal Maxima and Minima The foregoing remarks on basking indicate the approximate, normal, thermal tolerances of ornate box turtles.   [Please select]


Eminently moderate proposals were met by statements of irreducible minima, and in the ensuing deadlock our ambassadors surged forward like a Greek Chorus with ineffectual pleas for patience and the avoidance of irretrievable steps.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

minim - minima - minimal