Sentence example with the word 'minuter'


Last update: September 2, 2015


Of heterogenesis have limited themselves to cases of microscopic animals and plants, and in most cases, the observations that they have brought forward have been explained by minuter observation as cases of parasitism.   [Please select]


The day of the minuter study of the whole continent has now dawned, and we are witnessing a most notable work.   [Please select]


A search for further or minuter proofs of the comparative state of the various divisions of the country would be superfluous.   [Please select]


The _System of Logic_ owed little to her except in the minuter matters of composition, in which respect my writings, both great and small, have largely benefited by her accurate and clear-sighted criticism.   [Please select]


It is the world of atoms and molecules, of minuter touch things that he cannot actually touch, but which he conceives as though he could touch them.   [Please select]

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minuteness - minuter - minutes